Singer Registration FAQs
I’ve sung with Panoramic Voices in the past. Do I still need to register?
Yes! We have over 700 people who have sung with Panoramic Voices in the past few years. Rather than spamming that entire group with email about projects that we are currently preparing for, we tailor our communications to go just to active participants. That means you need to register again if you want to be included in singer emails this season. Also, we would like to make sure that we stay up to date on any changes you may have made to your email, voice part, willingness to volunteer, etc.
If I register, do I need to participate in every project?
No! We realize that everyone has demands on their schedules (or particular musical likes/dislikes) that affect their ability or interest in participating in the wide array of projects that Panoramic Voices performs.
If I register and decide I don’t what to participate in anything, what do I do?
Just email us and let us know that you’ve changed your mind. We do ask that you don’t unsubscribe from our emails unless you aren’t interested in hearing from us ever again. Current US law regarding email/spam means that if you do unsubscribe, you’ll be removed from all future communications, even those not specifically related to singing with us this season.
Why would you ask for my phone number and address? I thought everything comes by email!
We do use email as our primary messaging tool since it’s the easiest way for us to communicate with a lot of people at once. We sometimes get ‘bounces’ or other errors when we send to a few singers; providing your phone number would give us a way to clear those up since we won’t be able to chat with folks at a rehearsal. Some of our grant providers (like the City of Austin) ask us to provide location-based demographics in our reporting back to them, so street address for people in the Austin area would be helpful for that, and the zip code helps us to understand more about where our singers reside.
How do you protect and use information you collect like name, age, race, and other sensitive information?
We store all information on an individual in tools that require logins with password. Adding access requires authorization by a member of the Panoramic Voices board. Some tools also use multifactor authentication (password plus a verification code) as a security measure. A very limited group of staff and board members have access to the data at an individual level. We aggregate this data for use in reporting to the Panoramic Voices board as a whole and in responding to grant organizations like the Texas Commissions on the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, and the City of Austin Cultural Arts division. If you are not comfortable sharing that information with us, though, you are absolutely free to opt out.
Do I have to make a donation?
Absolutely not! If you have previously sung with a community chorus or similar arts group (like Panoramic Voices up until a few year ago), you may be familiar with paying dues or a participation fee. This model allows groups to pay for some fantastic things. We realized that asking people to pay nearly $500 a year was a barrier to participation for many. In our desire to become hyper-inclusive in 2016, we transitioned to a donate-what-you-can model.
Can I make a monthly donation?
We do have a monthly donation option that may fit your budget. For example, a donation of $30 per month generates $360 a year for Panoramic Voices. We currently have singers who give from $5 – $100 per month. These monthly gifts add up and provide a steady stream of income that helps to cover year-round costs, even when we are not performing.
What does my donation pay for?
Sheet music for singers who could not otherwise afford to participate
Custom orchestrations and commissions
Rehearsal and performance venues
Instrumentalists, including rehearsal and performance accompanists
Technology support
Guest artists
Staff salaries
Concert recordings
Administrative expenses