SATURday, February 15, 8pm

Thank you for purchasing tickets to “Lore” featuring Goliath was Bigfoot on Saturday, Feb. 15. We’re looking forward to sharing a unique set of repertoire in a truly incredible space! Because the museum is smaller than our usual venues—and because we have two different concerts back-to-back—we ask that you please read the below information about concert flow and entry times carefully! Knowing where to be (and when) will help us keep congestion at the entrance to a minimum.

We are thrilled to be able to use such a cool venue, but know that it comes with some logistical challenges. Thank you in advance for your patience during the check in process.


Saturday, February 15, 8pm (Ticket entry times below; Entry to museum and vendors as early as 7pm)
Texas Science and Natural History Museum
2400 Trinity St, Austin, TX 78712

PARKING & TRANSPORTATION: This venue is in the heart of the UT campus. As such, parking can be a challenge. The San Jacinto lot is immediately next door to the venue, but is not free. There is free street parking on Dean Keeton, about 3 blocks from the venue. OR, take the bus! There are several stops along San Jacinto that are a short walk from the venue. You can plan your route here:



ENTERING & CHECK-IN: All guests will be asked to check in at the front entrance of the museum. While we will have vendors, refreshments on the patio behind the building, we will require guests to first check in at the front to receive a wrist band. There is an ADA accessible entrance at the front, as well—when facing the stairs to the main entrance on Trinity Street, the door is to your left around the back of the stairs. We will have greeters at this entrance to help you get checked in and oriented.

ENTRY TIMES: We encourage you to come as early as 7pm to visit the museum and/or vendor area! Enter at the main entrance on Trinity St. (or the accessible entrance), check in to receive your wristband, then either explore the exhibits or visit the patio at the back of the building and enjoy snacks and refreshments, merch, flash tattoos and more. As your ticket entry time approaches, please make your way back to the front entrance to line up and enter the concert space. (We understand that this seems silly… however, since we have VIP-ticket holders who paid for early access to the hall to save seats, we will be completely clearing the concert space before 7:30, and asking guests to re-enter at the main, front entrance at the below times.)

  • 7:30PM – VIP EARLY ENTRY: VIP guests will be allowed to enter the concert hall 15 minutes prior to the rest of the ticket groups to save seats. If you miss the early entrance time, however, seating will not be saved for you—once general admission and student entry begin at 7:45, all seats are first-come, first-served. Please leave yourself some extra time to get to the museum to take full advantage of your VIP early entry perk!

  • 7:45PM - GENERAL ADMISSION & STUDENT ENTRY: You will be able to enter the hall at 7:45pm. You are welcome to line up at the entrance prior to your entry time. We will get you checked in, and will allow you to enter once the VIP seating window has closed at 7:45pm.

VISIT THE VENDORS & MUSEUM EXHIBITS: All guests are welcome to stay past the end of the concert and roam the museum, too! We ask that you please leave the building no later than 9:45pm, as Panoramic Voices is committed to being out of the museum entirely shortly after.

FLASH TATTOOS AVAILABLE ON THE PATIO: Tattoos2U will be offering lore-themed tattoos on the back patio from 5-8:30pm. Tattoos cost $80 and will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign up out on the vendor patio once you’ve checked in and received your wrist band.


CONCERT RUN TIME: The concert itself will run from 8pm to approximately 9:10pm in the main atrium of the museum! After the show, you are welcome to visit the patio vendor area and the museum exhibits up until 9:45pm!

CONCERT PROGRAM: Our concert program is offered digitally ONLY. We will have QR codes available for you to pull it up on site, and it will be posted on our website by on Thursday morning.

CONTENT WARNING: Our repertoire for this concert contains some adult themes and language. Children are welcome at their parent’s/guardian’s discretion. We’d also like to warn audiences that this concert will be LOUD. Our partnering band, Goliath Was Bigfoot, has roots in metal and rock; they know how to turn it up! Guests who use hearing aids may considering turning their levels down for the start of the show.



If you are moved by something you hear on Saturday, we hope you will consider a gift (of any size) towards our Amplify Austin campaign! Your generosity allows us to continue offering exceptional musical experiences to singers in Austin free of the typical boundaries to participation (such as singer fees and auditions). If you would like to make a gift now, please do so by contributing to our Amplify Austin fundraiser:

Thank you again for spending some time with us this weekend! If you have any questions, you can reach us at